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Martin Luther King Republicans welcome Operation Legend to Chicago

The Martin Luther King Republicans welcome President Donald Trump’s Operation Legend to Chicago. The grassroots conservative group asked for federal assistance to help quell the violence and support the overwhelmed Chicago Police Department. They are appealing to the Cook County Sheriff Department and the State Police to work with the mayor’s office for a solution; and for more money to be allocated to the Witness Protection Program to help close the high number of Unsolved Murders.

They are requesting a State Police presence along Illinois Route 1, which includes Halsted on the Southside and portions of Englewood. They are also seeking additional monies to be added to the Witness Protection Program because the fear of retaliation is why most people will not cooperate. This lack of witnesses is why the number of Unsolved Murders is exceptionally high.

The grassroots conservative group asks that representatives from Operation Legend meet with them, other community groups, and the clergy to establish rapport, explain how they plan to assist and dispel any rumors.

“We are happy that the President responded to our call for assistance. Our police are overwhelmed, and we need all hands on deck. This is not a partisan issue, and we should not play politics with our children’s lives, ” remarks Jimmy Lee Tillman, President of the Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR), who sent a letter to President Trump last month seeking federal assistance, welcome Operation Legend to Chicago and believe that if the City, State, and Federal authorities work together, it could lead to a solution.

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