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An open letter to President Donald J. Trump from founder and president Jimmy Lee Tillman II

Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump from Mr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II President of Martin Luther King Republicans

December 17, 2023

Dear President Donald Trump

The Martin Luther King Republicans have met at several barber, beauty, and bar-b-que shops where Blacks agreed that Build Back Better Broke Blacks Back.

After speaking with church, civic, fraternal, grassroots, and street leaders, there is an overwhelming and dire request for you to come to Chicago to hear the cries of the Black community about the current southern border crisis and the damaging effects of being a Sanctuary City. The Black community knows that the Martin Luther King Republicans are leaders in MAGA, Illinois's most incredible political movement that has swollen to over 375K strong and growing, has conservative DC contacts, and the infrastructure and capacity to host you to speak about your solutions.

During your administration, Blacks in America experienced growth with the lowest unemployment in history, record funding for our HBCUs, and other programs and reforms, like the Opportunity Zones and the First Step Act. You accomplished these without setting quotas while benefitting all Americans. It stands self-evident that your America First policies were exceptional for Blacks because Blacks are Americans, too.

While I looked at a few recommendations, like an extravagant rally and forum with a press conference at the multi-million dollar state of the arts Harold Washington Cultural Center on the southside, the logistics of such a grand affair would be a nightmare in such a short time.

A community-style forum was considered at New Canaan Land Baptist Church with Rev. Pervis Thomas, who stood with us during the unconstitutional COVID-19 lockdowns. Still, the capacity of the church and the political backlash it could cause to a small congregation made this undoable.

A press conference outside at a migrant camp or housing site may be dangerous and poised to be a hassle for the high standards of your security detail.

So my sister Ebony suggested we come together at the exquisite Trump International Hotel and Towers Chicago, where we were founded 15 years ago, where you could talk with a small group of Black Republicans and community activists who support you. This gathering would be more comfortable, and you could control this atmosphere better. We could finally present you with the Drum Major for Justice Award we still hold for you.

It would be great if you could be joined by the Great Black American Patriot Dr. Ben Carson and Rep. Byron Donalds, two well-respected men who are on our shortlist for your Vice President.

The Black community is losing so much.

Please consider our invitation. You know how to contact us.

Warmest regards,

Jimmy Lee Tillman, II

Founder and President of Martin Luther King Republicans
Former US Senate candidate
Lecturer, Publisher, and Author
Fellow- Heritage Foundation Academy
Sentinel-Heritage Action for America
Member-America First Works
Project 2025


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