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Martin Luther King Republicans attend RNC 2023 Trailblazer Awards

Jimmy Lee Tillman, Ronna McDaniel, Ebony Tillman
Jimmy Lee Tillman, II Ronna McDaniels, Ebony Tillman

WASHINGTON, D.C. On Thursday, February 16th, the Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR) attended the Republicans National Committee's (RNC) 2023 Trailblazers Reception held in the beautiful Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. Founder, and president Jimmy Lee Tillman, II was joined by communication director, Ebony Tillman, along with Devin Jones and Patricia Easley.

Every year as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel has hosted the annual RNC Awards to honor Black Republican leaders. MLKR was recognized for their hard work and sacrifices to spread the conservative message in the Black community and increase the number of Black Republican voters in the deep blue state of Illinois.

Jimmy Lee Tillman, II says, "It is not difficult to share a message that is positive and uplifting. Conservative values are strong in the Black community. For many years, the Party has overlooked this sleeping giant. Chairwoman McDaniel has made it a point to support and acknowledge those of us that have endured without waver in the trenches."

Cecilia S. Johnson, RNC Director of Black Engagement, organized the lavish event and Whitley Yates, the Director of Diversity and Engagement at the Indiana Republican Party, was the emcee. This year's awardees included Vernon Jones, CJ Pierson, Delegate Caleb Hanna, and LT Gov Jennifer Carroll.



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